Monthly Archives: May 2020

Fembot Manips II — May 2020

Hurtling to Planet Earth from my Space Station full of Android Women, I am here once again to bring you my corny yet somehow effective fembot manips.  A couple of bonus video clips too.  The feet stuff is Kishin’s fault.  I’m not actually into feet (German: unteregehendehÁ¤nde), so blame Kishin for that. Bonus videos!  Hooray! […]

Fembot Manips — May 2020

For this month’s batch of my manips, I thought I’d first share a joke manip that I made.  This one took about five minutes to make, including the time spent searching for the images to use. I deleted it at first, but there’s something funny about it, so I thought I’d share.  Now on with […]

Golfyssey 28 — PlayStation

Holy crap, remember The Golfyssey?  My lame-brained attempt to “review” a bunch of console-based golf video games and spew forth my uninformed opinions on the hardware on which they were to be had? Good times, good times.  Except for that shitty black and white abomination for the Atari 5200, and the shitty full colour abomination […]