Well, my early night last night didn’t really turn out that way. I couldn’t sleep. So I went ahead and installed the new video card I got last night. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Uncle Furry for carting me around town to get that card.
AGP cards are a scarce breed these days. The card that died on me was an midrange-expensive one, and I paid over $200 for it. This one cost under $70 and has twice as much memory (512MB) but has a slower GPU. Oh well.
I don’t run too many games on that PC, except the venerable 14 year old Civilization II. And a video card like my new one will handle that no problem.
I managed to get a lot installed last night. I installed Xubuntu 10.04, got the Nvidia drivers and the system updates, got LXDE and many other applications installed and called it a night. Tonight, I’m in the middle of getting everything set up the way I like it. One of the best things about Linux is that this can be a very simple matter for some things. My email and messaging programs got back their previous lives simply by me doing some copy+paste into the new home folder from the old.
But there’s more tweakage afoot. My setup is far from standard, and I have lots of stuff added and modified. Tomorrow will be a fun full day of getting everything back to the way I had it.
But damn, this thing boots fast now. Win!