Fembot Manips II — May 2021

It’s time once again to share another quadruple six pack of my fembot manips.  And as usual, I focus mainly on showing what these women-shaped machines look like when their faceplates are removed.  Ah, love.

This update also includes a couple of video clips, so check them out below!

This first video is based on a flash animation that I commissioned from AB Lust about nine years ago.  I tried to convert that flash file to mp4 video, but the timing didn’t stay intact.  You can check out that video here.

So instead, I took some preliminary high-resolution art images that AB Lust had provided me with back then, and reconstructed them into this video with a new soundtrack.

Meet the Woman of Your Dreams

This next video is just an edited clip from the cheesy 1986 made for TV movie “Condor”.  This is by far the best scene in the film, and I do believe I’ve made it immeasurably better.  The music is “Robot” by Mobilize.

1999 is The Future